Photo Travelogue ~

Enjoy the visuals as much as I enjoyed hopping around and bringing them to you :-)

The Grand Entrances...

colourful and glittery, the dancing lights made my day/evening...

The Themes...

often elaborate, sometimes giving a message, sometimes random or the usual...

The Pandals...











The Sacred Diyas...

resembling diwali, almost; but, it was in worshipping of the shakti the devi...

Finally, The Mandatory KumKum Tilak :-)

To be honest I'm not much of an idol worshipper, but, I respect everyone's beliefs; and strongly support our culture & traditions that have been carried along for centuries. Moreover, festivals are always an excuse to dress up and enjoy, so more the festivals ~ merrier the 'moi'!

Durga Puja, also known as Durgotsava or Shaaradotsava, is an annual festival originating in the Indian subcontinent which reveres and pays homage to the Hindu goddess Durga, and is also celebrated because of Durga's victory over Mahishasura. ( wki )
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Stay tuned for all my road, rail, flight, cruise & walk trips.
( Images - ©Mine. All rights reserved. )
Our Rating Scale is : 1 to 5 = ◕◕◕◕◕ - It was Awesome!


Photo Travelogue :
Read first part - Here!

If my road trip to the famous Chandubi Lake was enthralling so far, wait for the suprise that unfolded before me from my visit to the next not-so-famous destination I did the same day. After taking in, admiring and absorbing up to the fullest Nature's majestic 'overnight' creation ~ the Chandubi, I remembered the map I had seen in the junction I had previously crossed. Towards left, it had directed to Solokadare. And I just had to visit it! It was an instant on-the-whim impulse decision which I have no regrets making. The journey only got better. Unfortunately, I lost most of the pictures while transfering them to my PC :-(
However, I'll recommend everyone to visit this place, not just for the destination; but, also to thoroughly enjoy the journey uptil there. The open country side with meandering roads, the green forests as well as vast fields will mesmerise you no end.

Situated about 8 kms from Chandubi, within ten minutes I reached my spot. As in the previous place, here too, locals were waiting to extort under the guise of parking fees and maintainence. Paying and parking, I headed out towards the thundering 'roars' I was hearing from a certain direction.

Its a 300 metres or so walk from the parking lot to the falls. No vehicles can go beyond that spot. Food, juice and souvenier shops line the entire way. There was lots of visitors that day. As I walked I could see the falls, that got closer and bigger; and its roars ~ tremendous!

point noted...

the falls, the crowds, the music, the rocks...the ice cold water...

Even though its not as famous as Chandubi, I found the Solokadare falls spot to be extremely popular with the locals. The narrow path trek to the falls is extremely rocky and very slippery; hence, treacherous. I went as far as my guts would allow me; and, climbed up a few. The young bravehearts whistled, sang and danced at the top, bathing the fall waters incessantly...climbing higher and higher. The timid ones just enjoyed splashing the water downstream. But overall, in the end, everyone enjoyed.
After having the time of my life I decided to head back home. Grabbing a 'ketli pitha' ( a local delicacy), I sat near my car for some time. As the sun slowly went down I finally bid bye to incredible nature and drove back to the chatic concretes.

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Read next part - Here! Stay tuned for all my road, rail, flight, cruise & walk trips.
( Images - ©Mine. All rights reserved. )
Our Rating Scale is : 1 to 5 = ◕◕◕◕◕ - It was Awesome!

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