Whenever I'm scrolling videos on Youtube, Mt.Kailash makes an instant appearance. Intrigued, I forget the other videos and keep watching Mt.Kailash videos one after another. The story and mystery around it is so fascinating, that, I'm instantly hooked. I may have seen hundreds of videos related to it by now, and my eagerness to see it for real has grown and how. The fact that its in China controlled Tibet; with lots of restrictions in place for Indians wanting to visit the place, makes me bit disheartened but still I have a hope that I might visit it
someday hopefully, God willing. Oh...how I long to. There are many places I'd love to visit around the world, but, Mt. Kailash sits right on top of that bucket list. There are several ways to go, esp via Nepal and Tibet; but, shortest route exists from India itself via Uttarakhand's Pithorgarh-Lipulekh pass route ( which is currently closed ). There is also 'aerial darshan' option ( available from Nepal ) where once can view it from a special pilgrimage plane; but, to see it physically
up close is something else altogether. Sign! I hope that 'someday' comes soon, and, I'm able to visit Mt.Kailash in this lifetime only.

So, why does this mountain holds such prominence and tops my bucket? For one, I saw a dream recently, where I saw God himself was telling me to worship Shiva and utter 'om namah shivah'; and second, the many mysteries that surround it which no scientist has ever been able to solve. Lets have a look at the incredible mysteries surrounding this enigma!
Mount Kailash is located at an elevation of 6,638 m ( 21,778 ft ), which makes it shorter in height than Mt.Everest ( 29,032 ). While thousands have climbed Everest; till date inspite of many attempts, no one has been able to climb Mt.Kailash, with exception of Milerappa ( an ancient Buddhist monk where he too didn't climb physically, but, rode on rays of the Sun - a spiritual climb rather ). Since, it is considered home or abode of Lord Shiva; climbing it would mean disrespect, and anger the spirits/gods thus, is prohibited and deemed taboo.
It is said whoever tries to climb Mt.Kailash or goes very near to its promimity - he/she starts aging rapidy - their hair and nails starts growing faster than normal. Many even died within one-two years i.e if someone went to climb Kailash at the age 30, he'd die within a span of 1-2 years as an old aged man of 90yrs. Baffling, but based on true incidents.
On their attempts, many even faced halluciation, confusion or sudden avalanches and lost their way. They'd go round and round in circles and end up at the point they started, as if someone wanted them to return.
There's a constant sound of 'OM' in that place along with the playing of 'damru' ( which is Shiva's instrument ).
There's two lakes in its foregrund, both within 3.7kms of one another - having totally opposite water qualities, inspite of being connected by a common channel.
1. Rakshas Tal - 45.1 km from Kailash, shaped like the moon, is a Salt lake that has no vegetation and has a dark blue colour, with waves like that of the ocean. There are several small islands in the lake. No one can drink or bath in it. Its said, Ravan had done meditation near this lake. The lake has a negative vibe to it. People find it scary to go near it. It doesn't have any outflow.
2. Manasarovar - 90 km from Kailash, with 30km circumference and shaped like the sun is a fresh water lake ( highest in the world ) where vegetataion and life-forms thrive. Theres no island inside it. People can drink the water as well as take dips in it. The lake has extremely positive vibe and is considered pure. People throng it. There's also strange lights around this lake esp at certain nights when its said the gods and other spirits come down to take a dip in it. Water from manasarovar flows into rakshas tal and other outlets.
It is called the axis-mundi and energy center ( both of earth as well as universe ), with distance from north pole being exact 666k km, and 666k kmx2 from south pole. Its said to be center of the world, holding the planet intact. It is linked to a global network of mystical sites like stonehedge and others. It is the point where heaven and earth meets ( both physical and spiritual realms ), considered as heart or navel of the universe.
Its the only 'dark black giant' stone peak in the area surrounded by smaller hills of different soil, which makes the sight drastic and unique. The snow cap never melts. Its shaped like a pyramid and other 100+ smaller surrounding hills too are like smaller pyramids. Its sides are unnaturally steep, making it look as though it was intentionally designed so. Symbols like the Swastika ( auspicious hindu symbol ) and Om Parvat ( formed by the snow ) appears on Mount Kailash during sunset.
There are two types of 'kora' or 'circumambulation', done clockwise at the Kailash. Inner and outer. The Outer Kora is 40km and takes about three days. The Inner Kora is 18km ( +6km ) and takes about two days. It is extremely challenging to complete the koras ( with hostile climate and terrain, lack of oxygen ), but, on completion one experiences complete satisfaction, bliss and purification. The kora begins at Yamdwar, at the South face, then to the West - where a face appears, then to Dirapuk on North face.
There's scarce wildlife in the area of Mt.Kailash. The energy of the place overwhelms and whatever wildlife one sees e.g donkey, yaks etc are brought by pilmgrims to carry their stuff.
Four great rivers in Asia originate from the Kailash and Manasarovar; namely - Indus, Sutluj, Brahmaputra and Karnali; each having distinct tibetian names as well. These rivers significantly contribute to the civilizations downstream.
It is said ancient mystical kingdom of 'Shambhala' ( a buddhist belief ) lies deep within the Kailash premises.
The mountain is sacred to different religions ( hinduism, buddhism, jainism and bon ) and each has given different names to it.
It is said there lives many sages and sadhus near the Kailash area who are over 400-1000 yrs, and are in such high vibration that they've reached a semi-physical state. They can survive in the extreme cold weather with bare clothes and necessities through meditaion alone.
There are 13 sacred stupas ( white with golden tops ) near its south-eastern face along a secret path ( 100 metres above a steep ice gully, one has to climb a rope to get there after completing 13 each of both the koras ) during inner kora. No one knows who built them and when. Its said to contain relics of 13 lamas.
Mani Stones considered holy are found at the foot of Mount Kailash. Also, certain stone can be found at Manasarovar which resembles the shiv-ling.

Mt.Kailash has four faces, each associated with a different emotion and colour: South face reflects majesty and splendor, with its colour being 'lapis lazuli'. Its said Lord Shiva's third eye can also be seen here. North face depicts a forbidding and daunting emotion, with colour 'gold'. East face is the most mysterious with colour 'crystal'. One can see this side only from long distance or during Kailash Parikrama/kora. West face reflects compassion and benevolence, with colour 'ruby'.

inner and outer kora route...
Mount Kailash is a mountain in Ngari Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region of China. It lies in the Kailash Range of the Transhimalaya, in the western part of the Tibetan Plateau. The peak of Mount Kailash is located at an elevation of 6,638 m, near the western trijunction between China, India and Nepal. Tibetan Buddhists call it Kangri Rinpoche; 'Precious Snow Mountain'. Bon texts have many names: Water's Flower, Mountain of Sea Water, Nine Stacked Swastikas Mountain. For Hindus, it is the home of the Hindu god Shiva...for Jains it is where their first leader was enlightened; for Buddhists, the navel of the universe; and for adherents of Bon, the abode of the sky goddess Sipaimen." (wiki)
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