I think almost all females in this world, faces this problem of split ends when they grow their hair longer, beyond a certain length. Of course, there are a few lucky ones who are spared of this problem due to the outmost care that they take for their strands.
But many of us either do not have the time to use hair oil regularly, or maybe are out in the sun travelling that badly affects our hair. Some of us use hair driers/hot irons etc frequently to either straighten/curl our hair which in turn makes our hair brittle and coarse with split ends. Split hairs look horrible, rough, untidy and unkempt.
We then have to pull our hairs out in frustration trying to find a remedy. Trimming is the only options it seems, but hey trimming means shorter hair! Do we want that? No! Right?
We want long, lovely hair - our crowning glory.

However, the new Dove Split Ends Rescue System seems to have the right answer to this problem and solve it effectively, as it promises a 4X lesser split-ends.

Dove seemed to have heard my concerns too and like a fairy Godmother, immediately sent me their new 'dove split ends rescue system' sample to try out for myself. It consists of a shampoo ( 80ml pack at Rs.68/- ) and conditioner ( 75ml pack at Rs.68/- ). The shampoo & conditioner smells mild and is very gentle on the hair. It doesn't make the hair dry which is a prime cause of split ends. I've used it once and as it claims to be a 'hair therapy' I intend to use it further, because I'm pleased with the results. I do notice a difference in the texture of my hair. It feels softer.
I cant wait for my hair to grow much longer, so that I can try my all time favorite 'pony tail braids' once again, without the split ends.


Our Rating Scale is : 1 to 5 = ◕◕◕◕ - I really liked it!

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