Title : LIFE MANTRAS by a Life Coach
Language : English
Author : Preeti Subberwal
Genre : Non-Fiction, Self-Help
Publisher : Power Publishers ( 2013 )
ISBN-13 : 9789383271665
ISBN-10 : 9383271663
Binding : Hardcover
Price : Rs.385 ( Buy from Flipkart.com @Rs.354/- ( 8% Off )
Pages : 124
The Book Summary : Are you looking for valuable insights on every aspect of life? Are you interested in a book that precisely and concisely explains whatever you need to learn about life? Are you seeking for the ways to run your life smoothly, effectively, and miraculously?If you say yes to any of the above questions, then you are holding the right book in your hand. This is a book that throws light on all the dimensions of life. The powerful life mantras provided will not just help you to stay positive and happy but also will inspire you to be your best. It is a book to be experienced and savoured before assimilating anything. It has been designed to give you a visual delight besides leading you on the road to deep and profound wisdom. It will empower you to unravel the mysteries and discover the secrets of a fullfilling life. It will encourage you to commit yourself to continual improvement and helping others. And once you resolve to do so, it doesn't matter from where you started, there is no telling who you will become and what you will accomplish during your journey. Life Mantras plates out every slice of life in a nutshell to her readers. The author intents to help the reader to become a person who is inwardly fulfilled and outwardly successful by maintaining a balance in all the four dimensions – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
My Point of View ( P.O.V ) : What strikes you first, is undoubtedly the cover, the overall design and the glossy paper quality of the book that gives an instant 'rich' feel. So, even if non-fiction especially self-help books are not really your kinda thing, the design of the book will surely spark your interest. It is colourful and beautiful, not just on the outside, but inside as well. The colour and illustrations continues till the last pages, and you enjoy it thoroughly.
I myself, to be honest, is not much into self-help books ( having reviewed couple of them already ), but nonetheless, I must admit here I did love this book. For one, it is not long and boring. The author has written it crisp and clear, keeping the content short yet impactful; and of course with all the colours added in too ( which I already mentioned ), earning brownie points.
Divided into 10 chapters ( and their sub-chapters - a step-by-step guide ), along with beautiful quotes by renowned personalities dedicated to each of its pages, the book as the title clearly mentions is all about 'Life' and its 'Mantras'! We all wonder at some point of our lives - what life is all about, its purpose, its logic, its mysteries etc. At times we understand, but many times we are baffled at things that happens to us. We question - Why? Well to a large extent this book tries to give those answers. Written by a life coach herself, who better than the author herself ( who has lot of experience in this field ), to answer our queries with logic. To be frank, no one has absolute answers to the mysteries of life - lets face it, but if someone gives certain guidelines that are somewhat close to what we seek, and are making sense, then I think it's worth it. Reading the book, you do get a different perspective on how to face, view or live life - and it does changes and motivates you to live a more happier and fulfilling life with its powerful insights.
Use of Indian pictures and some amount of practical real-life examples to the lessons of life, would have made the book all the more appealing, than it already is. The book also makes a great gift ~ specially to spread the message it contains within.

Positives : A very refreshing book, filled with colours that are sure to spread colours and positivity in reader's lives too. The language and flow is easy to grasp and not too preachy - kept short, simple and to the point. A very useful book for those seeking life's answers.
Negatives : None! Except perhaps the price.
Who will enjoy this? - Everyone!
Buy or Don’t Buy? – A Must Buy!
About the Author : Preeti Subberwal is a Certified Master Spirit Life Coach, Certified Life Coach, and a Licensed NLP Master Practitioner.She is passionate about delivering personal and professional development workshops, seminars and coaching programs that empower the participants to attain their next level of success, fulfilment and self-mastery. She is also founder director of ‘Thoughtful Engagement’, a firm that facilitates quick and sustainable positive change and transformation in individuals and organisations through powerful, practical and innovative solutions.
Our Rating Scale is : 1 to 5 = ◕◕◕ - I liked it!
This book review is a part of The Readers Cosmos Book Review Program.
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