Like it happened this time too! Dhanno, on her way back had to take long rests as she could not keep flying continuously. Meanwhile, this time, she carried a very important message too - the king was in danger. Princess Nainawati's royal parents had discovered their secret love, and was hell bent on finishing off the king. Yes, they were enemies of one another. Nainawati had written a letter, warning the king of the impending danger and had tied as a reply around Dhanno's neck. Only if Dhanno could fly faster. She didn't want to fail her master, but it seemed doom was soon to befall on the king. ![]() Then... ( Sketch is mine ) As the king waited on the terrace, an anguished look on his face, his minister rushed up to him in panic. They were being attacked, he informed. It was a surprise attack being executed by the neighbouring kingdom, and no warning had reached them prior. Half-way enroute, it was only Dhanno, who carried the message of danger. But it was too late. The king was slayed, and his kingdom conquered. And as though she had some intuition of it, Princess Nainawati too jumped off from her palace to her death. And the feeble Dhanno, mid-way, breathed her last. All because of the delay of the very urgent message reaching on time.... I jumped up from my bed. Sweat was trickling down my forehead. I looked around confused.! It was all a dream. Thank heavens...I relaxed at last, a huge sigh escaping my lips. Thank God we don't live in those times anymore, I thought to myself. I was so relieved. I looked at my two babies. Babies? You may ask - well, have a look below ;-) ...and now! Yes! These are two of my precious possessions, and both are from Micromax! From the budget phone to the high-end Tab, with these two, I'll never face the situation the King and the Princess, or Dhanno faced, ever! I'd love to add Micromax's range of Smartphones to my cute and very useful collection too, because, it is the smartphones that are driving today's generation. We are all digital freaks. We do everything on digital - shopping, chatting, paying bills, booking tickets, banking, networking etc. You name it, digital is the way to go. And, how can I not help but mention social-media here! I spend a lot of time on twitter ( and also on facebook ). It is one massive medium that is evolving people ( and their habits & views ), and how! For instance, a person like me who was a complete noob in politics, is now all aware of it only thanks to twitter. Even the rulers today communicate via twitter. Likewise, other platforms too - like blogging, for example. Being a blogger, I need to be connected all the time with the rest of the world. Fresh ideas erupts in my brain like some active volcano, and I just cannot do without my digital outlets - like smartphone or tabs. Moreover, speed is everything these days. We can't live in an era where speed is at a snail-pace. With 4G entering into our lives, internet experience has become all the more better. And only a good device like that of Micromax, can give that super-speedy browsing satisfaction we dream of. From my experience with both my Micromax devices, one feature I'm most pleased with is - its battery-life! While other devices drain out, these hold steady and I can say it with confidence. Besides selecting the normal power-saving mode on the device, I have found the best way to save energy on the battery, is also by disabling unused Apps that keep running in the background - consuming both data as well as energy. Also, enabling the screen-lock or making the device 'sleep' away when not working, by setting it to 'within few seconds of inactivity', saves incredible amount of energy. Last but not the least, Micromax is also a truly Made in India brand! My heart swells in pride, when I hold Indian-made stuff. It has some truly cool accessories to match up as well.. With more innovative/upcoming technologies such as 4G, Octacore, Android M, Camera, Custom covers, Downloadable Ringtones with Fav Artists and plenty more exciting Apps, the digital journey ahead seems all set to be more fun and more tech-citing. How I wish the Kings and Princesses of the past experienced it too. If I ever fall in love, the SMSes, Whatsapp and plenty other apps ( like picture and video sharing ) in my Micromax Smartphone will keep my loved one close, unlike the poor King and the Princess! Hey, aren't we the lucky new-generation breed ;-) |
( Images - Micromax/Gizbot & ©Mine. All Rights Reserved )
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