¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸ Disclaimer : This article is meant for audience above 25 yrs.
I remember, when I was young, my father used to go on various official tours. I’d wait eagerly for his return. Why, you may want to know. Or may have already assumed that it’s just a child’s love towards their parent! Well, yes, that is right, but then, there was another reason to it. It was because of the gifts he brought back for us, from all these tours to various places. We’d lap up everything we received, and our excitement would know no bounds. After un-wrapping all the gifts, we’d wait for our round-table celebration. It was the most important ritual in our family. Our father would open up his favorite bottle of beer; and we, of course, had to make do with soft-drinks. But it felt great... the clinking of glasses et all' in a toast, it felt like being in the adult club literally; doesn't matter, if we kids held only soft-drinks in our hands. After the merriment, we'd then rush back to our gifts.
In India, gifting is quite common, and done very generously ~ no matter what the occasion is; birthday, marriages, anniversaries, festivals, promotions or any good news, and the various 'this or that' days ( e.g. Valentines, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day etc ) that we celebrate, are always accompanied by some gift or the other. Gifting increases happiness, while strengthening the bond between the person who gifts and the person who receives it. And with time, the trend is only growing.
Coming back to the present, you may have wondered why I mentioned my father in the beginning of the post. Well, currently, I live miles away from my family, in another city; and while talking of gifts, I remembered, I’ve not really gifted my father anything, since a long time ( perhaps never, if my memory serves me right ). He is retired and we haven’t met for quite a while too. It’s like, how in the older days, he was the one spending most of the time outstation, same is the case with me now – with me spending most of my time away from my family. However, I’m planning to go home in a few months, and I thought, how wonderful and a pleasant surprise it’d be for my father, if I did the same like my father used to do in the past i.e. take him some gift like he used to bring for us.

When it comes to gifting though, I’m not really accustomed to buying gifts for men; although, I know there are a whole lot of products like clothes, cologne, shoes, grooming stuff etc that one can gift. Have a look at liveinstyle.com ( in the picture above ); it has a plethora of gifting ideas. My father likes new gadgets and accessories, so, those can be ideal gifts for him too. I know, my father loves his drinks a lot, so, why not gift a bottle of Scotch as a gift to him as well. Unusual, haan! But then, there’s always the thrill in the unusual. And besides, we can again have our long forgotten round-table ritual as well. Yeah..yeah..I know, he may still consider me as kid, and offer a soft drink instead, like in the past; while he'd have the scotch for himself. But then, for the smiles the whole celebration will bring, it’d be worth it.
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