Photo Travelogue :
One day, I was walking hurriedly from Khar west to Khar east to attend an event. As I was walking down the platform steps, I started noticing something which looked like a long 'shed' of sorts on one side, in the narrow stretch of the grounds below. I was used to seeing encroachments along the railway platforms for years now in Bombay, so, I ignored and started walking past. Somehow, my glance did fall upon them, and I observed that they were encroachers alright, but, they were also artisans. They lived and worked there. In the corner of the shed ( which was divided into many parts - belonging to the different families that lived there, I supposed ) there were small wooden beds with mattresses and pillows, with kids playing; in some corner clothes were hung, and, some had utensils, stoves etc - which I guess was their kitchen. Their work ~ making idols.
Navratri was approaching then, so, they were all busy making idols; either from scratch or putting finishing touches to some. Curious, I halted and watched them at work. It was amusing to see how the 'Gods' are made. Someone will buy these eventually, and worship them too! Mind-boggling, right? Their conversations made me almost laugh. One lady who was painting in an idol called out to another female, and said with a sarcastic giggle - 'le teri durga ma ko paint kar ab'. She wanted to take a rest, me thought. While one planted his sun-glasses in the idol's nose and continued painting it, pausing to check if it was in order, then joining others in conversations. For these poor people, it was just work - they didn't see God in those idols. For them, it was merely a means to earn money. Hence, they were most casual and even made jokes around these idols. Seeing them got me thinking. How the poor people ( who didn't even have proper homes and lived in the roadside slums ) made these 'Gods' for the rich ones. Its quite an irony. Incredible India, haan!

the long road-side shed...these slums are the artisan's home as well as work place...

from scratch to in progress...

this lady called out to the other female saying ~ le teri durga ma to paint kar ab!

this one put his own sun-glasses on the idol's nose as he worked on it...

some of the finished idols ready to be sold...
In Guwahati too I know of a lane filled with artists that makes these idols. However, unlike Bombay, their conditions are not bad. They have proper homes and these idols are at their proper work places with office/godown etc. Durga Puja is around the corner, so after having finished the Ganesh idols lot ( ganpati having recently gotten over with ), they are now working in full swing on the durga idols. I took a look around one of their godowns, and boy, I was stunned at the number of idols these godowns had. It looked a bit spooky too, as most of these idols were half-done. For these artists too, there's nothing holy in making the idols. They are making them for money. Only the ones who eventually buy them, will see God in them. Truly incredible!

a pandal being set in progress...

newly made idols set to dry outside...

painting begins on the dried ones...

a peak into the godown...many more waiting their turn...

I tried counting then gave up...I guess, it will be a good season for these artisans...
I left the place, my mind literally rattled. When you see 'behind-the-scenes' like these, last thing in your mind is anything 'holy' being attached to the idols. But then, for believers its another thing altogether. They feel, once the idol is taken home, pujas done on it...the god actually comes down to reside in the idol till its immersed in water, during visarjan. And with all the colours, the festivities and enjoyment everything else is forgotten. Its just a time to celebrate. New clothes, food, sweets, pandal hopping...dancing, mingling around that's what both these pujas are all about, in the end.

it all comes to an end on Vijay Dashami/Dussehra/Dasara when the idols are immersed...
Read my 'pandal hopping' experience ~ Here!
DISCLAIMER : This post does not intend to hurt any religious feelings!
Navratri is a Hindu festival that spans nine nights and is celebrated every year in the autumn. It is observed for different reasons and celebrated differently in various parts of the Indian subcontinent. Theoretically, there are four seasonal Navaratri.
Durga Puja, also called Durgotsava, is an annual Hindu festival in the Indian subcontinent that reveres the Hindu goddess Durga. It is observed by Bengali, Odia, Maithils and Assamese as a socio-cultural and religious festival ( wiki ).
Address : Khar West, near Rly Station Bombay/ Lachit Nagar, Guwahati
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( Images - ©Mine. All rights reserved. )
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