Photo Travelogue :
It was the peak coronavirus season, especially the 2nd phase when it was deadly, I had flown to Guwahati from Bombay in the month of April'21. After spending few months in Guwahati, it was time to head back. And I got the jitters. I didn't want to go through all those protocols again...that nasty swab test at airports, the isolations...the possibility that I might catch the virus which I had avoided so far. The solution was a car travel back to Bombay. It seemed nearly impossible. The distance was too much - almost 3000kms. Would I be able to do it? The more I thought of it, more 'crazy' the idea it seemed at first. Until, I came across some car camping videos on Youtube. I was always fascinated by 'caravan' life which I used lap up reading those Enid Blyton novels. Suddenly, it seemed possible. The more I saw those car dwelling videos, I got a better conviction that it could be done. I could turn my car into a home and it would be possible. Heck Yea...suddenly, I got pumped up with the idea. I studied many of those videos on youtube - how they did it, the survival tricks, what to carry, how to prepare etc etc. I got deeply motivated; and by end of 2021, just beginning of my trip I had already prepared a 'blue print' of the entire trip I was about to embark on. I listed some pointers in a sequence and went about fulfiling them to get started.
1. First were the Maps!

For any type of road or bike trip, first and foremost is the maps and to know them thoroughly. Download the maps in offline mode, and note down each details - the major cities or towns, the estmated time and distance between both. I try to stick to the national highways, so, it was relatively easy because, there were signs all the way and there was hardly any room for error. Highways also have plenty of fuel stations ( also food dhabas ) every few kms. By the end of my 6th up and down trips, I know the route like a pro. But, even in my first, I knew the towns I were to cross and when, so, the maps helped a lot.
this car is tiny but has held through 6 trips so far without faling me!
Engine and Brake Oil check, Gear oil Check, Battery juice check, Wheels/Tyres check, Stepney check, Air pressure check, Air filter check et all. Before any long trip, it is best to get the car serviced properly. I carried other essentials like air pumps, jumper cables, extra brake oil, coolant, distilled water, windshield fluid, m-seal, torch, ropes and bungee cables, puncture kit, plenty of wiping clothes etc just in case, although, I didn't use them at all. Tool kit and first aid box is a must too.
My boot area was loaded - mainly with water. In my first trip I carried almost 200 litres water ( 20ltr jars and crates of bottles ) - I know its a lot, but, I was that prepared. I also bought more on the way. I also had packed plenty of protein bars/ puffs, and other munchies, chips, nuts, coffee, canned fish along with tonnes of ready-to-eat food like poha, biriyani, upma, maggi/ noodles etc that just needed to be mixed with hot water. And how do I get 'hot' water? For that I packed my butane cannisters, mini stove and utensils. Oh..I packed like for an entire army, lest I get stranded somewhere. I was over-prepared, heheh... On my other trips, the load got a lot lesser and I trimmed down a lot on stuffs that I didn't use.
For sleeping and living in the car I had my front passenger and rear passenger seats converted during nights. I didn't meddle with my driving seat, it was kept free so that it was always on drive-ready mode. It was winter time when I first travelled, so, I had adequate warm sleeping bags ( two ) and additional blankets, pillows. My return trips were during warmer days, so, had fans to keep me cool. I didn't carry much clothes besides the essentials.
Spending many days in the car meant having the mandatory trash can ~ that can also be used as @...if it has a lid, plastic lining ( garbage bags ) and kitty litter for emergency bio-breaks. I carried plenty of tissues as well, both wet and dry; along with other essential toiletries like tooth brush and paste, facewash, iquid soap. cleansers, dry shampoos, deos etc. I used public rest rooms available at dhabas, petrol pumps and toll plazas, but my car also had 'one' and a mini hand-bidet incase of an emergency especially at nights.

The 100 Watt 'solar' magic installed on top of my car for my youtube and other online entertainments as well as running my fan. This was an essential part of my preparations; because, I didn't want to be cut off from the world while travelling and for so long. I was connected throughout my trip and didn't use the car battery for charging. Read my post on 'how to set up a solar panel' to know how I did it myself. Its quite easy infact.
Protection and self defence gear - a knife in each door handy to defend if attacked; also, the pepperspray, black out privacy screens for stealth camping. This is very important when travelling alone or otherwise too. I kept a knife in each door, and pepper-spray. However, pepper spray shouldnot be used inside the car, but out of the window and drive off. I also had chains and locks that connected both door together ( on each side ) and kept shut, so, no one could open. The black out screens were important so that so one couldn't see inside. Although, in many places, having black outs are illegal. So don't use the permanent tint, but the removable screens that can be kept aside during day driving and put up at night. Also, other safety tips would be - never stop the car ( if someone waves ) except in designated check-points that are mostly in state borders. Try not to tell strangers of your travel plans and never update your real locations in any social media 'real-time'.
After all these major 7 preparations ( there are many other miscelleneous small ones ) I was all set to go on this epic road trip. It was crazy, challenging but importantly most exciting and adventurous one-of-its-kind trip of my life. I doubt if such long distance road-trip has been done - 'solo' by anyone else, much less a female in India ( do let me know if there are any ). I have documented my trip in details and in coming days will be sharing my entire journey. So, keep a look out for the coming posts and also get glimpses of them in my youtube channel...
Address : My Maruti Alto!
Read next part - Here! Stay tuned for all my road, rail, flight, cruise & walk trips.
( Images - Google | ©Mine. All rights reserved. )
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