
Cinderella rushed home as the sun slowly set in the far horizon, setting off myriad hues in the skies. After tending to the pumpkin fields, the whole day, she hurriedly did the laundry before getting into the kitchen to prepare the grand meal for her family. Family? Well...she didn't have much choice here with a nasty step-mother and two equally nasty and lazy step-sisters as her err.. family, whose only business in life was to make Cinderella's life even more miserable than it already were.

That night over dinner, Cinderella overheard the conversations between her step-sisters and their mother. They were discussing the royal-ball where they were invited by the Prince himself. All of the town's most eligible damsels were invited to the Prince's special ball. "O have a holiday tomorrow. We'll be out the whole day. First shopping during the day and later at the ball, till late night," one of the step-sisters said aloud before adding nastily, "But wait, though you are not expected to cook the main meals, you'll still have to clean up the entire house, the stables, the courtyard, attic and yes, get all our clothes and shoes cleaned, polished and prepared too. Its a working holiday for you." With that, they giggled as they got busy discussing about the handsome Prince and the upcoming ball. Both the step-sisters had a thing for the Prince.

Cinderella, head drooped, went to her dingy little room to cry her heart out. Oh how cruel her step-sisters were. Everything belonged to her, yet she was treated like a slave. How she missed her father and real mother. How she wished even she too could go to the ball. If her father was alive perhaps she could, but now it was just impossible. Exhausted crying, she slowly wiped her tear stained face, before going to complete the rest of her chores. Else, she'd be facing another dosage of her step-mother's wrath.

That night before going to sleep, Cinderella was in deep thoughts. She didn't want to live like this forever. And more importantly she wanted to go to the ball the next day. Like any other girl of her age, she wanted to see the Prince too, and marry perhaps. But she had no proper clothes to appear before him. Slogging day and night had made all her clothes dirty and worn out. Something, she couldn't wear to such a posh ball, where all the nobility would be present. Lost deep in her thoughts, she suddenly remembered something her father had given her long ago. She had never used it much and had kept it hidden. It was very personal to her. Perhaps it was time to use it now and surprise her so called family. She got up from her chair and rummaged through the old trunk before she found it. Her SmartPhone. It was the one thing that was truly personal to her. It'll help her, she knew, as she switched it on and went to her favourite App - the Myntra App. Her very own personal piece, that even her nosy step-mother and step-sisters could never find out.
She had drooled over the fabulous outfits and accessories on that app day in and day out, in the pumpkin fields. In her Myntra App Profile, she had customized and listed her own collections, pictures, likes and preferences. It was her fiercely guarded personal space. She had wish-listed many of the Stylist Handpicked collections of products that suited her style, and recommended especially for her. She loved her App so much, because unlike her real life it gave her the liberty to peek into the dazzling world of modern fashion; to dream and fantasize of wearing those one day and reign. Perhaps that day had come finally. The App was also loaded with her favourite Contents such as Tips to style her buys, fashion inspiration for every occasion, the latest celeb looks, DIY hacks and so much more! Oh, how she loved the Updates she got about the latest trends, newest collections and offers from her favourite brands.

She knew it was time to use her Myntra App. Choosing the prettiest gown and sandals along with matching accessories from the App, that had a plethora of exciting products, Cinderella had a smile of satisfaction in her face by the time she went to sleep that night. All her stuff would be arriving the next day itself, when her tormentors would be out. shocked they'd all be to see her in the ball, in arms of the Prince. Yes, that's exactly what she had in mind. Her heart bounced excitedly at that very prospect.

Through the next day, Cinderella had a spring in her step and a humm in her voice as she hopped about doing her tasks merrily. As expected, her pretty gown arrived just on time, delivered superbly by Myntra in no time. When the twin step-sisters got ready in the evening, Cinderella had a smirk on her face. They tried to give her more work, along with their usual whinning and nagging attitude, but Cinderella was unfazed. She was just waiting for them to leave for the ball. And they did! As soon as they were all gone, Cinderella ran to her own quarters. She put on her beautiful gown and glass sandals, specially ordered from Myntra - many exciting products they had and from such top brands. Who needed a fairy Godmother, when one had the Myntra App! #ItsPersonal, so true was the saying.

cinderella sketch
Sketch - ©Mine

The story of this Cinderella obviously ended on a happy note, with the Prince deciding to marry her as soon as he saw her. With no midnight dead-line, her clothes and accessories didn't vanish at the stroke of 12; instead, that glorious night the palace witnessed a fabulous wedding - all thanks to Myntra App; Cinderella's Myntra App!
The story above maybe be fictitious but the Myntra App & its uses, is very real. Download it if you haven't yet and live like Cinderella happily ever after ;-)

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( Images - Myntra & ©Mine )
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