Photo Travelogue :

Assam, a state in north-east India, is rich in nature - both in terms of resources as well as picturesque visuals. Due to the abundant rains, it is green all the year through. Last time I was in my native place, I made a resolve to visit all the nearby attractions. Chandubi was on top of that list. And I made three attempts to visit it - first two via scooty and the 3rd via car.

My scooty attempts were quite adventurous as it had a mood of its own and decided to act up few times, halting midway and ultimately breaking down all of a sudden leaving me stranded in the unknown wilderness. So, although Chandubi was my destination I discovered other jewels instead. Read on...
I was enthused about the trip and had made all preparations much in advance. Since it was to be a solo trip, I double checked everything. fuel, food, water and protection. Yeah, my pepper spray and pocket knife - my two eternal trusted companions, heheh.
The trip is 65 kms one way, so early morning I set off. However, no sooner had I reached barely 2 kms distance, the sarabhatti circle, my scooty grumbled and shut off. Panicked, I wondered if I should give up already. However, since it was still early morning I managed to find a garage nearby and get my scooty started. Rather than cancelling the trip altogether, I decided to go ahead instead. Whats life or a ride without a few hiccups, eh?! So pumped with renewed enthusiasm I zoomed off the guwahati streets, all the way through Gorchuk snd finally Rani. From Gorchuk traffic-stop, leave the highway and go straight to reach Rani. It is a short-cut compared to the alternate airport route with minimal to no traffic.

fatashil hills via dhirenpara to gorchuk...

passing by Deepor Bill...

the journey begins...
Whilst riding through Rani, I began to really enjoy as it is really beautiful. The hills, the forests and the pretty paddy fields the long winding roads...tra la la. Humming to myself, I loved the cool breeze blasting away at my face, until few drops of water started accompaning it. Looking up the sky, I was little alarmed as I saw grey clouds looming far ahead. The sight was mesmerising yet stirred little uneasiness in me. My brain alerted me; but, my heart sang...nevermind ~

the road is too good...

passing by paddy fields...

passing by forests...
The journey was good all the way..until...hmmm...
Decked in my blue raincoat now, I crossed the satgaon junction ( deep in the jungkes, there is a hidden water fall 'theopani' to be explored here someday ), I crossed the town of Rani, accoland and multiple villages; also, tea gardens ( yes, there are quite a few of those these side as well ). I was nearing my destination and I couldnot control my excitement. I stopped my scooty to click pictures here and there gleefully. All was good, until, my scooty refused to start after one such stop. I was very close to my destination now. I pleaded it to start. Don't fail me now, I nearly yelled...and out of frustration kicked it a few times as well. But it was stubborn too, and refused to budge. There was no garage in sight and I was in middle of nowhere. It was almost 3pm and being northeast winter time there was hardly few hours of daylight left. Moreover, I was in an area known for elephants and leopards. I didnt want to be crushed by one and eaten by the other. I looked frantically around for help. There was none. After almost 30-40 minutes or so I saw two young boys cycling and coming my way. Waving madly at them I stopped them and asked if there were any garages around. Much to my dismay, they shook their heads in negative. They had noticed my scooty, and my tribal dance around it aka my struggle to get it started. I asked if they could kick start it, while I handled the accelerator. They tried, I tried...the whole universe tried. All failed. Until, God stepped in himself. That man was God for me that fateful day. He was returning from field and saw three mad humans ( one crazy woman and two little boys) all abusing and man-handling a dead scooty, lol. So, God decided to kick start it himself; and lo and behold, in 2-3 attempts my scooty got another lease of life. The relief I felt at that point is unexplainable. Thanking God and his two angels, I abandoned my mission that day and rode straight and non-stop till I reached home.

Within two days, I sped past the same spot once again in my scooty. I had an unfinished mission to accomplish, remember? I chuckled to myself and thankfully my scooty too behaved. I was careful not to stop it unnecessarily unlike the previous day. I reached the junction where one road led to Meghalaya and the other ~Chandubi. The trees here touched the skies. It is the Rani Reserve Forest. There is a watch tower in that junction, but it had started to rain heavily by then, so again I had to abandon my trip. The rain was insane that day, as though the flood gates had opened from the skies. However, as I was returning the rains suddenly stopped ( as though teasing me, hmph ) and I decided to utilize my time and visited the Kopili waterfall which lay enroute. Phew!

the entrance...1st and 2nd

you venture into another world...

bit of off-roading here and there...

the view is to die for...
wish I could just put up tent here and live forever...
green hills everywhere...
here a hill, there a hill..everywhere a hill, hill...

bridge to the waterfall...

the water fall...

it roars and gurgles...
The rocks on the stream were too slippery so I didnt get very adventurous. I tred carefully, following few other visitors. They went further upstream, where the waterfall gets ferocious. I went only as far as I was comfortable. I gingerly crossed parts of the stream until I found a nice spot. Resting on a big rock, in middle of the stream, I enjoyed the cool water that splashed and touched my feet. I took out my veg roll and chomped on it, enjoying the peaceful surroundings. Lots of people had come that day...families, couples, young boys anf girls. But, I was just lost in my own world. I spotted some campers too ~ a new trend in India.

and, its time to head back...

I see a narrow stretch going uphill and vanishing in the greens...looks tempting

So, did I visit Chandubi after all? Wait for my next blog...

Garbhanga is a reserve forest situated in Assam Meghalaya hilly terrain border near Guwahati at 16km distance. It is one of the many trekkings spot in and around Guwahati. Its a 32km (10hours) round trek. Kopili Picnic Spot is situated in Rani Reserve Forest ( part of Garbhanga on Assam side ), near Guwahati, Kamrup Metro District. It's a beautiful natural place for hangout with friends and family.( wiki )
Address : Kopili Waterfall, Rani Reserve Forest, Rani, Assam
Read next part - Here! Stay tuned for all my road, rail, flight, cruise & walk trips.
( Images - ©Mine. All rights reserved. )
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